Want to know who I am ? No problem.
My name’s Johann. Nice to meet you.
I studied mathematics at Claude Bernard university in Lyon, France, and now they won’t leave me alone. But I don’t work in the field. Why ? Where to begin…
- First of all, the rigidity of school programs and textbooks that’s not my thing. Teaching may be one of the most beautiful jobs on earth, but it has to be a calling.
I still give occasionnal one-to-one courses, mainly to work with kids who need to see that “being wrong is not the absolute evil”, that math are useful and not that hard when it becomes interesting. - Reasearch could have been my thing, but I’m a member of the clan “I understand quickly, but only when explained at length”, and I’m the stubborn type. There is no freedom in the “publish or perish” world…
So I started by creating a startup in webmarketing, and I now work as a data scientist in the medical field.
And I occasionaly blog. That’s the perfect way to appreciate sciences without the hassle, and one really understands a concept only when he can explain it clearly, so it’s also a way to learn. Unfortunately I was incredibly busy of late. With the Covid-19 crisis though, like lots of people I’ve had some time on my hands, so I thought why not dust off the old blog and give it some new posts ?
A few words on my strong and weak points (don’t take it too seriously) :